I have done it! I have written a book- something I always
dreamed about doing and, to be honest, if I never even do anything with my book
following this, it still feels good to be able to say that I have always wanted
to write a book and that I have done it. It is mine, the characters are my
creation, the plots (hopefully somewhat original) are my ideas, and even if
only a handful of people ever read it, I don’t really care, because I am just
proud that I imagined something and spent the time and care to put it all on
the page. It is amazing how quickly one can finish a novel under lockdown-
albeit a relatively short YA one that I have been writing.
Now, the editing and proofreading stage is going to be a
tricky one. I have tried, and have fixed a few bits, but it was difficult to be
critical with myself having so recently written it all down. I figured I might
need a bit of a break from it and then go back to see what I can improve and
develop. It is hard to do that because I am fizzing with so much excitement and
energy at just finishing my book-I feel like I want to do more with it, and I
am missing the actual processing of writing itself. I don’t want to move onto
anything new just yet (although I do have a few ideas) because it would feel
like I am just abandoning my first creation and moving on, when it has so newly
been completed, but I am just not sure what I want my next steps to be.

Even though it is massively unedited, I have decided to
brave the stage of having others read it. First, testing the waters with family
members, and then sending it out to a few close friends. I am wondering how
much further I will feel confident branching out. My best friend was the first
one to read it in full and she sent me the gift, pictured below. I have put it
in my writing space. The support my family and friends are giving me is so
lovely, especially when we aren’t even able to see each other. I do realise family and friends are going to
try and be nice about the book, and are more likely to praise then criticise,
but I want them to feel they are able to give me some constructive criticism. I
want to know what chapters they enjoyed, but also, I genuinely want to know
what just doesn’t work. The way my book is structured is really flexible and I
can delete and move around elements of the plots without much issue, so
actually, any doubts they have when reading will be so helpful to me in this
dreaded editing stage.
If anyone has any
suggestions on what they do when they have finished a book, I would love to
know 😊