Monday, 21 September 2020

Influenced by the seasons...

 Yesterday I added a new chapter to my second draft of my WIP. It was a spur of the moment, last minute but needed addition. I felt that it added another layer to the world I am building and aided with the tension and suspense of the subsequent chapter. As I was writing it, however, I noticed that the atmosphere had suddenly changed to become really autumnal. Considering most of my story is set in summer, I had no idea where these Autumn vibes had come from, but then I realised- I think I write whatever season I am currently in. I wrote my first draft throughout the summer months and descriptions of honeysuckle scents, fluttering butterflies and the intense, unrelenting heat of the sun are inherent throughout the story, but as soon as I started writing yesterday, with the September sun shining upon me, the story began to take on tones of shining gold hues, hay and pumpkins. It’s funny, I have never noticed it before. Do you write with the seasons? Comment down below.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

What I have been doing when I could be writing...

This week hasn’t been a particularly successful week with my writing and I can’t even use the excuse of having been too busy with work! I had time to write this week, but I didn’t. I just had a week where I felt massively distracted by everything that wasn’t writing.

So, what have I been doing when I could be writing?


After getting a little more adventurous with my crafting skills over lockdown, I decided I would try and make some of my Christmas gifts this year- only for my parents, because they have got to love whatever I give them, no matter how disastrous it looks. I am currently making something that involves far too much paint, picture frames and polystyrene stars and it has all been quite messy. I have been trying to couple my messy painting with soaking up the last of the ‘summer’ sun and have been doing most of my painting outside, in the garden, with a cup of coffee. It has all been rather peaceful.


Just to add to trying to make the most of the September sun, I have been going on walks whenever I can. I am determined to continue walking this year. I love walking. It is one of my most favourite things to do. I love the British countryside and there is nothing better than going on a hiking adventure. However, I tend to only do this from March- August and never seem to really get my walking boots out over the Autumn and Winter months. I promised myself over lockdown this year that I will keep on walking and spend time appreciating some autumnal and wintry walks.

Seeing the family

With having a few vulnerable family members in my immediate family, I wasn’t able to see them so much over lockdown. I am really family orientated, usually spending multiple days throughout the week with my parents and my nan, so this has been really hard for me. Now that I am back at work, I feel that I need to be especially cautious as I am aware that I could easily catch things from the students, even with the measures in place, and perhaps not even realise it. So, when I am able to see my family nowadays it is particularly special. It is my birthday coming up soon and as the weather was nice on Sunday we had a socially distanced meal in my parents back garden and watched a Christmas 2019 video James and I had made. It was so strange watching us celebrate Christmas not knowing what was to come in just a few months’ time.

Watching Series

It is amazing how much time TV can just drain away. In just a week, I have watched:

-The second series of The OA: Bizarre and surreal. I like the acting, the characters and elements of the plot but sometimes it pushes it way too far. The octopus? What was that about?

-Strike- Lethal White: This was interesting because this was the first time I had watched a series so close to having finished the book (I read Lethal White over lockdown). I liked that I could remember so much more detail but disliked when characters didn’t quite match up to my expectations- definitely thought a certain character in particular would be more of a caricature of Boris Johnson, but maybe they wouldn’t quite be able to get away with that.

-Sharp Objects: I am about halfway through this series. I love all of Gillian Flynn’s writing. I absolutely love her imperfect and unreliable protagonists. I had forgotten, however, how dark her writing can be and can’t watch too many episodes of Sharp Objects in a row or end up feeling a tad depressed.

Anyway, my point is- far too many hours wasted on television!


Usually my reading accompanies my writing. When I am in a reading mood, I tend to write a lot too and vice versa. I haven’t read as much as I usually do this past week but I have read some of Jamaica Inn. I had been meaning to read it for a really long time and I am really enjoying the description of Cornwall and the atmospheric writing.

Now I have allowed myself to be torn away from my writing for a while, I guess I should get back to it. I only have about 10 more chapters of my current WIP to write, so hopefully, I can get my act together and dedicate some of my next weekend to writing.

Monday, 7 September 2020


 As I work through my second draft, I can’t help but think about potential ideas for a sequel of my current WIP. Is this something anyone else does? I am not sure if it is a wise thing to do as obviously I haven’t even finished book number one, I have no idea how it is going to be received by potential agents and it may never even be published. Therefore, should I even be wasting my time with daydreams of a sequel? It has got me wondering, should I tie everything up neatly in this draft or should I leave a few things loose with prospects of a second book. Could I leave enough mystery so that it holds possibility for a continuation but not too much mystery so that if there never is a follow-up, it doesn’t destroy the story too much, or leave too many things unanswered?

Let me know your thoughts. Do you ever find thoughts straying to potential sequels as you write? Do you already start writing with sequels in mind, potentially even already plotted and planned? Or do you just purposely write for a one-off and then consider any sequel ideas later?