Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Choosing the perfect notebook.

I have always been obsessed with stationary. I am sure it comes as part of the job criteria for teaching- why else does Paperchase offer discount for teachers in September? And there is nothing better than finding that perfect notebook to write in. I can see it now: an entrancing cover (usually textured),  thick pages, crisp and white, just waiting to be filled. I have been subconsciously collecting notebooks for years with the promise of "I will write in you soon", long after I stopped using any. I have a whole row of "special ones"- one that looks exactly like River Song's diary from Doctor Who, one that looks just like the spell book from Hocus Pocus (creepy eye and everything)- just to name a few- their pages currently empty but waiting patiently all in line. I must admit, I have enjoyed collecting these beautiful, full of promise notebooks to add to my collection, but I often felt guilty every time I thought about them sitting there, silent and unopened (some still in their packaging).
Then, the time had finally come, to write again and select which winning notebook would have the honour of going on my journey with me. So, I suppose this blog post is a bit of an "ode to my notebook," really. Large, purple notebook with the silver engravings and silver edges- I choose you *throws imaginary pokeball* not just because of your excessive size which drew me to you to in the first place (the mammoth challenge of getting back into writing clearly needs a mammoth notebook), but because you have everything I need in a notebook and a handy little silver bookmark to add that finishing touch. Now, I am halfway through my chosen notebook and there is such satisfaction in placing my bookmark part way through, feeling all the dented, used and scribbled on pages on one side and all the pages anticipating  the adventures ahead. Finally, I am no longer just an obsessive stationary hoarder, I'm actually starting to feel a little bit like a writer, and I am glad I have the perfect notebook to help me along the way :)


  1. Beautiful notebook Eve. Can't wait to read the content.

    1. It is so pretty- I hope the content inside is just as good as the exterior, haha
